Scalibor Tick Collar is a simple and effective treatment for fleas and ticks for 12 weeks and older puppies and dogs. It protects canines from fleas, American dog ticks, Deer ticks, and Brown dog ticks for three full months. This fast-acting collar kills 98% of ticks within 24 hours. This water-resistant and odorless collar is a long-lasting treatment that kills fleas and ticks and protects dogs from fatal diseases like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Fever.
Deltamethrin, the active ingredient present is a widely used for protection against sand flies, culex pipiens mosquitoes, fleas, and a variety of ticks. When buckled around the dog’s neck, it releases Deltamethrin in the skin and to the oil glands by body movement of the dog. For full body protection, the dog needs to wear it continuously.
Instructions To Use Scalibor Tick Collars
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