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Ecovet Eco - Joint Liquid
Ecovet Eco - Joint Liquid

Ecovet Eco - Joint Liquid

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  • 50 Ml

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  • Information
  • Key Benefits
  • Directions for Use
  • Safety

Eco-Vet Eco-Joint

Eco-Vet Eco-Joint liquid is a special oral homeopathic formulation made to treat acute and chronic muscle and joint conditions in animals. It is specifically intended to provide relief from joint strains, acute and chronic synovitis, and bursitis. Before commencing hard exercise, it can be used to protect against soft tissue injuries and after hard exercise, it aids in recovery.

This homeopathic treatment can be useful to provide relief from fetlock swelling, hock distention, hock strain, and chronic spavin. It has also been shown to aid during muscular cramps and spasms. Eco-Joint helps your pet with lameness, swollen joints, and tissue swelling.


Acidum formicicum, Allium cepa, Apis mellifica, Bryonia alba, Causticum, Echinacea angustifolia, Ledum palustre, Rhus toxicodendron, Solanum dulcamara, Sticta pulmonaria, Ethanol

Key Benefits
Advantages Of Ecovet Eco - Joint Liquid
  • Ideal for treating acute and chronic muscle joint conditions
  • Gives relief from joint strains, muscular cramps & spasms
  • Relives your pet from bursitis and acute and chronic synovitis
  • Protects against soft tissue injuries during or after hard exercises
  • Reduces fetlock swelling and hock strain
  • Relives from hock distention and chronic spavin
Directions for Use

Instructions To Use Ecovet Eco - Joint Liquid

For acute or recently developed conditions: Give recommended dose every 30 minutes for 4 doses, then every 3 hours for 3 doses. After that reduce to 3 times a day till symptoms are under control.

For chronic conditions: Give recommended dose twice daily. Give the dose at least 10 minutes before or after food or other remedies. If you are using other Eco-Vet treatments, give those 10 minutes apart for maximum efficacy.

  • Dilute the treatment with water or milk and allow the solution to stand for a few minutes before administration
  • Administer the solution using a spoon or feeding syringe
  • Or mix the recommended dose to the pet’s drinking water and allow for it to stand for a few minutes before giving to your pet


20 drops = ± 1 ml


Directions for Use

Cats and Small Dogs (< 8kg [<17.64 lbs])

10 drops of Eco-Joint to 5 ml clean water

Administer 0.5-1 ml of diluted solution directly into the mouth

Medium Dogs (8-15 kg [17.64-33 lbs])

Add 10 drops of Eco-Joint to 2 ml clean water

Large Dogs (>15 kg [33 lbs])

Add 20 drops of Eco-Joint to 2 ml clean water

Kitten, Puppies, and Small Mammals (hamster, mice, rabbits)

Add 5 drop of Eco-Joint to 5 ml clean water

Administer 0.25 ml solution directly into the mouth

Foals, Ponies, Lambs, & Kids

Add 60 drops (3 ml) of Eco-Joint to 3 ml clean water


Add 100 drops (5 ml) of Eco-Joint to clean water



Add 1 drop of Eco-Joint per 20 liters of water in tank

Small Birds

(parrot, racing pigeons)

Add 1 drop of Eco-Joint per 20 ml drinking water

A few drops of water can be administered directly into the mouth

Medium Birds

(chickens, geese, ducks)

Add 2 drops of Eco-Joint per 20 ml drinking water

A few drops of water can be administered directly into the mouth

Large Birds


Add 4 drops of Eco-Joint per 20 ml drinking water

A few drops of water can be administered directly into the mouth

Ecovet Eco - Joint Liquid Safety Measures
  • Stop using immediately if condition deteriorates
  • Dilute the solution properly to avoid alcohol poisoning
  • Keep away from reach of children and pets
  • Store at 25 °C, away from direct sunlight
Customer Review
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1 reviews
1 reviews
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Joint health

It helps treat chronic joint problems and supports healthy joints in pets.

May 24, 2023
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Ecovet Eco - Joint Liquid 50 Ml



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