Panacur Worming Paste has been developed for the treatment and control of roundworms and tapeworms in cats and kittens. It is also used to control lungworms in cats. It is the only licensed treatment of Giardia for use in cats if the appropriate dosage is given. It can even be given to pregnant queens. This deworming treatment has an ovicidal effect on nematode eggs. It is used to treat adult dogs and cats infected with gastrointestinal nematodes and cestodes including Ascarid spp., Ancylostoma spp., Trichuris spp., Uncinaria spp. and Taenia spp.
It is also quite effective in treating kittens infected with gastrointestinal nematodes. Moreover, it also treats cats infected with lungworm Aelurostrongylus abstrusus.
Panacur - How it works?
Fenbendazole, an anthelmintic is an active ingredient present in this deworming treatment. It effectively manages acute and chronic stages of parasitic infections in cats. It obstructs the energy metabolism of the worms which instantly cures the gastrointestinal along with respiratory tract infections. It is highly effective on felines and kittens.
Instructions To Use Panacur Worming Paste
This product needs to be given orally by pressing the paste from the syringe on the back of the tongue after feeding.
For Adult Cats:
For Kittens Under 6 Months of Age
No contraindications found.
Reliable solution for intestinal parasites.