An effective solution for crop canker from the house of MedPet – Emtryl soluble powder is a high-end product used by most pigeon fanciers. This water-soluble powder treats and controls Trichomoniasis (crop canker) in pigeons. Suitable for all breeds of birds, this oral treatment is safe for canker treatment but it is strictly not recommended for pigeons feeding their young ones.
Emtryl - How it works?
Emtryl soluble powder is an effective oral preventive treatment of crop canker in racing pigeons and cage birds. This water-soluble powder is loaded with multiple supplements, which helps to cure disease faster and prevents further infection in birds. This oral treatment is easy to administer with no possible side effects in all racing pigeons and cage birds. Apart from being highly beneficial to racing pigeons, it is also cost-effective.
Please note that this product isn't available for shipment to the EU.Instructions To Use Emtryl Soluble Powder
effective powder with quick results