Feliway Spray has been developed to keep your cat from urinating in your house or anywhere they shouldn't. The great thing about this product is that cats will not spoil anything close to where this product has been sprayed. It mimics the smell of a cat's natural scent glands that makes the cat feel at home in the environment easing off her anxiety level. It keeps the feline calm and composed.
Feliway Spray - How it Works?
Feliway Spray, a Ceva product keeps the cat's reaction to stressful situations under control and avoidable. Some of the reactions that cats give while dealing with stress include: vertical scratching, loss of appetite, reduced desire to play and interact, and urine marking. This behavior can be due to moving of the house, new arrivals in the family, veterinarian visits, return from hospitalization and adoption.
Ethanol, Facial pheromones
Instructions To Use Feliway Spray
Very calming and soothing solution