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How To Place Your Order

How To Place Your Order

Ordering from is simple and easy. We offer two ways of order placing:

  • Online
  • On call

Ordering Online

Ordering from us is a simple and smooth process. Our neat, clean, and uncomplicated site facilitates easy ordering. All you have to do is browse through our product categories, select the products you want to order, and place the same in your shopping cart by clicking the ‘Buy’ button.

For adding more products, click the ‘Continue shopping’ button. While you are done with adding all the items, enter the coupon code (if any) in the coupon box. Then click on the ‘Apply Coupon’ button for earning discounts through the entered coupon code.

Click on the ‘Place Your Order’ button that will redirect you towards the ‘Sign in’ Page. An existing customer needs to enter his/her email address and password and hit on ‘Sign In’. On doing so, you will land on a highly secure page in which you need to enter your order details, payment details, and address details.

On hitting the ‘Sign Up’ button; a new customer will land on the new account details page. Here you would be required to fill up all your details to create an account with us. You also need to fill up your payment details and click on ‘Buy Now’ button.

On completing the process successfully, you will see a message showing your Customer Number, Order Number, and payment details. You will also get an order confirmation email from us.

If you have accurately followed these steps but fail to place an order then please drop us an email at or just call us on 1-888-860-3208 (anytime from Monday to Saturday, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM CST). Our customer care team will assist you further.

Ordering on call

The simplest way to place an order is by calling us on our toll free number 1-888-860-3208. Our customer care service team will assist you for the same.

Money Back Guarantee

We provide “MONEY BACK GUARANTEE” on all your purchases.


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