Newborn Kitten Care: Few Basic Steps towards Nurturing

By | July 10, 2014

Newborn Kitten Care

Newborns are a great bundle of joy for all and when it comes to domestic animals, the same lays the truth. When a tiny kitty is born, you just watch how the mother cat is performing the entire task and caring her newborn. Nevertheless, it’s most common in felines that either mother is separated or momma cat has rejected her new litter or is unable to produce enough milk. In such cases, it all depends on you how to take care of the little one, and provide that unconditional momma care that infant kitty needs for her healthy growth.

During the first few weeks, an infant kitty requires all basic care. Beginning from feeding, warmth and handling with care, you need to take care of all the small but vital things.

Feeding Newborn Kitten

During the first four weeks of a newborn kitten, mother’s milk is vital that provides all the required nourishment. In your kitten’s case, if mother is separated or momma cat has rejected the baby, then talk to your vet, shelter or experienced foster caregiver. These people will help you find a new momma cat with a litter, as she may be able to nurse your kitten.

In case, you are not able to find a foster cat mom, consult your veterinarian about the right way to bottle-feed your new kitty with commercial milk. Never try to feed your kitty with cow’s milk, as it’s too hard to digest.

Kitty Feed besides Milk

When kittens become three to four weeks of age start offering commercial milk in a shallow bowl, which you need to slowly replace with moist, easily chewable diet. Prepare gruel/a thin porridge out of milk replacer and high-grade dry or canned kitten food. Serve this preparation in a shallow bowl and feed the kittens several times a day.

By the end of five weeks, your newborn kitty would be used to a new diet. Furthermore, by the end of six to seven weeks old, they would be able to chew dry food, and you no longer need to moisten it. By the end of eight weeks of age, kittens are fully weaned.

Kitty’s Eating Schedule

For young cats and kittens follow the below basic feeding table:

  • At an interval of 1 to 2 hours, nurse newborn kittens.
  • At about three and four weeks old, start feeding kitty milk replacer from a bowl and gradually introduce small amounts of moistened kitten food four to six times a day.
  • Feed kittens of six to 12 weeks of age four times a day as you start slowly switching from commercial kitty milk.
  • Kittens between 3 months to six months of age should be fed three times a day.

Keeping Newborn Kitten warm

Newborns always need warmth of their mommies. For an orphaned kitty, it’s crucial that you keep them warm. A heating pad or a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel can keep your kitty warm. Talk to your vet about the proper temperature so that you can adjust heating pad temperature. This can prevent burns due to improper temperature.

Handle Kittens with Care

Newborn kittens are quite delicate to handle. For the first week, do not touch or handle kitty, if is in care of her momma cat. For an orphaned kitty – younger than a week, ask your vet about proper guidelines on handling newborn litter. Start handling baby kitty from second week on through seventh week, this help your young feline to socialize with humans. Proper care is essential as rough handling can hurt little kitty. Avoid giving to children as they may not able to handle them carefully.

Watching a newborn kitty grow under your guardianship is a matter of great pride for you. Your incomparable care, unconditional love and matchless nurturing can help a sweet kitty grow into a healthy feline with a safety and security.