Is Your Pet A Threat To Your Health?

By | December 5, 2014

Pet Threat

Pets are nothing but a source of joy, hugs, cuddles and unadulterated love. They give you pure joy that lasts a lifetime. However, creeping inside those tender moments can be a dreadful disease that you can catch up from your pet. Animals contain certain germs, worms and disease causing bacteria that may put pet owner’s health at risk. Several zoonotic diseases are passed from animals to people. Cats and dogs are known to carry thirty zoonoses that may be harmful to humans.

Most of the zoonotic diseases are spread by the following ways:

Through air: Bacteria and allergens that are passed through the coughing and sneezing of the pet cause respiratory tract diseases in humans. Chlamydia and other respiratory diseases are caused by aerosol exposure and may cause breathing problems in pet owners.

Through the mouth: Many diseases and worms enter your body through the mouth. Intestinal worms found in cats and dogs can be accidentally grabbed while gardening or playing outside with the pet. These worms enter your body and upset the gastrointestinal tract. Giardia, E.Coli are some of the common worms that gets into the owner’s system through digestive tract exposure.

Through direct contact: Your pet’s saliva, nails and coat contain certain pathogens. They penetrate through the skin when your pet scratches, bites and spreads discharge on your body. Ringworms and hookworms infections are caused when the worms penetrate through the human skin. Rabies and cat scratch is caused when the pet’s saliva enters human body through bites, wounds and scratches.

One point to consider here is that there is a possibility of occurrence of these diseases but there is no surety of it. Most of the pet parents live a healthy and happy life with their pet without grabbing any zoonotic disease. In fact, pets are the most important reason for their physical and mental wellness. But, one still needs to maintain hygiene and take certain precautionary measures to avoid any chances of catching animal diseases.

Following measures help in keeping away diseases caused due to pets:

Sanitizing the exposed skin areas: Sanitize your hands after touching the pets and their belongings. Wash hands after you play with your pet. If you have a lovely cuddling time with Fido, then go for a good shower. Use disinfectant cleaners to clean the area in which the pet resides. Use gloves while handling pet beds, craters, litter boxes and water bowls.

Clean up the wounds: Use a vet recommended disinfectant cleaner to clean up scratches, bites and wounds. Get immediate medical attention if you find that the wound or scratch is deep.

Pet vaccination is a must: Vaccinate your pet to avoid chances of zoonotic diseases. Be regular with your pet’s heartworm prevention, deworming schedule, flea and tick treatments etc.

Just a little care and extra effort can keep many zoonotic diseases at bay. Incorporate these measures in your daily life and avoid many health issues that can occur due to your pets. Any which ways, pets will bring in more energy and liveliness in your life. So, there is absolutely no loss in putting a slight effort to combat the negative impacts of having a pet. Isn’t it?