A Brief Guide to Bringing Home a New Puppy

By | July 2, 2014

Guide to Bringing Home A New PuppyIt’s all exciting and so much unknown to explore when it comes for bringing home a new puppy. No doubt, this cute little puppy is a great bundle of joy for you as you yearn to have those blissful moments taking care of your little pooch, caressing him and feeding him with all your love. Well, in your rush and extreme enthusiasm don’t forget that there these minute things that you need consider and take care of when you are bringing your cute little pooch home.

How to Prepare for Your New Little Puppy Angel

Like you, your puppy too needs personal space in your home. May be a separate room or a distinctive place, which he can call his own. A cage or crate can also work until he grows into an adult. Embellish his space with the things like food bowl, water bowl, dog bed, toys to play and puppy chews, dry dog food, and finally a collar and a leash.

How to Prepare for a Great Joy Ride Bringing Him Home

It’s a big day when you have to pick your pooch from shelter home or breeder’s home. Some puppies get car-sick. They get motion sickness, face anxiety due to sounds and vibrations, and get nausea. Make the ride pleasurable and smooth for your new family member.

Travelling with pets need lots of caution and planning. Make him cozy in dog car crate in the back seat. Take along with you an old towel, wet wipes, some kitchen towels and a bottle of water. Be close to your puppy caressing him. This makes him feel secure and safe.

How to Welcome Your New Tiny Puppy on the First Day

Reaching home before entering house, first thing you need to do is taking your lovely pup to potty spot outdoors and allow him to relieve himself. Don’t crowd around him along with your family members. This may scare him. It’s a big day for you with all the excitement having an adorable puppy but your tender pooch needs calm environment, lots of peace and quietness.

Taking him inside, leave him to explore the new surroundings but in the confined area only otherwise he will be scared. Give him the freedom to roam around and smell things, which helps him to adjust easily in the unknown place.

Provide him water and food. Make him comfortable in his crate or the space, which you have selected for him. Don’t over indulge with your pup too much along with all your family members and friends. Let him take little naps in between. Bring him into human interaction slowly with one to one meeting rather than all grouping together around him, and creating lots of confusion and fear.

How to Take Care of His Health

Your new pup is a like your newborn child requiring all the attention, love, and proper health care. Just bringing home a new pet, does not end the task here – on the contrary, being a pet parent, a new adventurous journey has began for you to explore about the various aspects of your cute pup.

Starting from food to his vaccinations and various other health supplements, you need to take care of. Learn about which dog food was fed to your small pooch. Accordingly provide him the same brand food. If you want to change the brand or change his eating timings and food contents, then go for experts’ advice.

Talk to your vet when it comes to vaccinations for your furry pup. Arrange for regular checkups along with required vaccinations for your pup’s healthy growing. In order to protect him from various health conditions due to parasites, start certain preventive treatments such as flea and tick treatment, heartworm preventive and dewormers. These medications protect him from parasitic infestation.

Remember: Bringing home your new puppy, you are the lucky one to get all the love and compassion from your furry friend along with enhancing your beautiful life. In the same way, make your little animal toddler feel lucky one giving him all the love, bountiful of care, and infallible protection.